About the ORA Lightning Maroon Clownfish
Care Level: Moderate
Temperament: Aggressive
Reef Safe: Yes
Diet: Omnivore
Max Size: 6 inches
Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
The Lightning Maroon Clown, Premnas biaculeatus, has a maroon body that features 3 unique barring sections resembling a lightning pattern. They are social so they can be kept in a school if the tank is large enough, but are known to be a little more aggressive than most clownfish and will become aggressive towards other genus of clownfish.
Clownfish are reef safe and can be kept with peaceful invertebrates and corals, and most clowns will host an anemone present in the tank. Diet should include a variety of frozen and live mysis and brine shrimp as well as spirulina, marine algae, nori, and algae based foods, 2-3 times daily.
The Lightning Maroon is one of the most exciting naturally occurring designer clownfish to be discovered since the Picasso Percula of the early 2000s. These fish develop extraordinary stripes that seem to spill over their sides like lightning bolts. Their stripes are highly variable and can take on any number of attractive formations. As the fish matures and becomes darker in color, these patterns will also change and become more visually striking. Historically ORA has only raised Gold Stripe Maroon and related designer varieties including the ORA Gold Nugget, Gold Flake and Gold Dot Maroons.  The Lightning Maroon clownfish stem from the geographically distinct White Stripe variety of Premnas biaculeatus. Find out more about our work with this fish here.
Maroon clownfish females can reach sizes up to 6 inches! This is a fish best kept singly or in pairs with a dramatic size difference between the individuals.
Size | 1.5-2.5 inches |